Link med billeder til vores forskellige kuld/litter. Billederne ligger i dropbox.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter Z (2024), Fur and Paws Sansa og Gibaltarik Nikko Lukato Gold som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter Y (2023), Fur and Paws Lollipop og Fur and Paws Marshall som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter X (2023), Fur and Paws Lollipop og Bowie Cervená jiskra som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter V (2022), Fur and Paws Marie the Mighty Pup og Archibald Atra Talpa som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter U (2022), Fur and Paws Flying Fame (Kira) og Enzo Fabaro Silesia som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter T (2021), Fur and Paws Incredible Isa og Garegårdens Charming Fenris som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter S (2021), Fur And Paws Haley og Noster Mirabilis Fly High Boy (Ejgil) som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter R (2021), Fur And Paws Empathia og Argon od Medvédi jámy som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter Q (2021), Vela The Star og Archibald Atra Talpa som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter P (2020), Fur And Paws Flying Fame (Kira) og Dangerous Black Monster som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter O (2020), Red Rose Bryvilsar (Luna) og Eron Krosandra som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter N (2020), Haley og Yorick Krosandra som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld Rosa (2020), som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter M (2020), Emma – som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter L (2020) som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter K (2020) som dropbox link.
Billeder af Kuld/Litter J (2019) som dropbox link.
Vores forskellige kuld/litter siden 2013.
Summer 2013 we had the first litter with Chodsky Pes puppies in Denmark.
6 healthy puppies – 2 females and 4 boys (A-litter).
Since that we have had:
Mimmi x Robin Bryvilsar (born: 27/11-2013) – 6 puppies (B-litter)
Herrera Vita canina x Tobias z Dazickeho zatisi (born 1/12-2013) – 8 puppies (C-litter)
AmazingAtlanta x Cheeky (born 28/01-2015) – 8 puppies (D-litter)
Herrera Vita canina x Tobias z Dazickeho zatisi (born 10/4-2015) – 4 puppies (E-litter)
Amazing Atlanta x Hasko Cidabro (born 14/4-2016) – 8 puppies (F-litter)
Fur And Paws Empathia x Itsu Bryvilsar (born 11/10-2017) 3 puppies (G-litter)
Fur And Paws Empathia x Frey z Horské samoty (born 12/4-2018) – 7 puppies (H-litter)
Fur And Paws Empathia x Accer Black Mirabell (born 19/4-2019) – 7 puppies (I-litter)
Fur And Paws Flying Fame x Dumper z Konické Skalý (born 30/10-2019) – 6 puppies (J-litter)
Vela the Star x Derkim Devero Tapro (born 7/4-2020) – 8 puppies (K-litter)
Red Rose Bryvilsar x Yannic Krosandra (born 8/4-2020) – 5 puppies (L-litter)
Fur And Paws Empathia x Arcus z Konické skalý (born 17/4-2020) – 5 puppies (M-litter)
Fur and Paws Haley x Yorick Krosandra (born 12/8-2020) – 5 puppies (N-litter)
Red Rose Bryvilsar x Eron Krosandra (born 12/11-2020) – 8 puppies (O-litter)
Fur And Paws Flying Fame (Kira) x Dangerous Black Monster (born 27/11-2020) – 6 puppies (P-litter)
Vela The Start (Vela) x Archibald Atra Talpa (born 30/5-2021) – 8 puppies (Q-litter)
Fur And Paws Empathia (Emma) x Argon od Medvedi Jamy (born 2/6-2021) – 2 puppies (R-litter)
Fur And Paws Haley x Noster Mirabilis Fly High Boy (born 6/9-2021) – 7 puppies (S-litter)
Fur and Paws Incredible Isa x Garegårdens Charming Fenris (born 28/9-2021) – 4 puppies (T-litter)
Fur and Paws Flying Fame (Kira) x Enzo Fabaro Silesia (born 15/3-2022) – 6 puppies (U-litter).
Fur and Paws Marie the Mighty Pup x Archibald Atra Talpa (born 3/6-2022) – 7 puppies (V-litter).
Fur and Paws Lollipop x Bowie Cervená jiskra (born 15/2-2023) – 2 puppies (X-litter).
Fur and Paws Lollipop x Fur and Paws Marshall (born 30/8-2023) – 3 puppies (Y-litter).
Fur and Paws Sansa x Gibaltarik Nikko Lukato Gold (born 16/12-2024) – 6 puppies (Z-litter).