Gibaltarik Nikko Lukato Gold
Born: 05. June 2021
Mother: Zinnia Dotty z Gipova
Father: Emenike Manu Chod’ák
Ozzy is an amazing boy, big confidence and he is active. We are doing obedience and tracking, started to do some canicross training and rally obedience. He has been doing great at dogshows.
AD = 0
HD = A
LTV = 0
DM free
LocusD D/D
Danish junior champion
Danish junior club champion
Danish junior winner 2022
Århus junior winner 2022
Århus winner 2022
Bering junior winner and Bering winner 2022
Ozzy is imported from Czech Rep. and his pedigree can be found here: http://kpchp.org/pes.php?pes=8568
Vi har flere hvalpekøbere som gerne stiller deres hanhund til rådighed ved avl. Det gælder for egnede tæver og tæver der har røntgenresultat af hofter og albuer, er mentalbeskrevet, har kendt DM status, har været på udstilling eller er blevet eksteriør beskrevet.
Listen vil blive opdateret løbende, når nye kommer til 👍

Fur And Paws Herman “Cosmo”
Born: 12. April 2018
Mother: Fur And Paws Empathia
Father: Frey z Horské samoty
Cosmo is living a great life as an active family dog, friendly and active. He is showed with excellent.
Mental description is done by Danish Kennel Club.
AD = 0
HD = B/A
OCD = free
DM: n/a
LocusD D/D

Fur And Paws Nico “Nico”
Born: 12. August 2020
Mother: Fur And Paws Haley
Father: Yorick Krosandra
Nico is living a great life as an active family dog, friendly and active. He is showed with excellent.
Mental description is done by Danish Kennel Club.
OCD = free
AD = 0
HD = A
DM: n/a
Locus d D/D

Fur And Paws Isaac “Isaac”
Born: 19. April 2019
Mother: Fur And Paws Empathia
Father: Accer Black Mirabell
Isaac is doing nosework and obedience/bite in Danish policedogs club. He has been on dog show and got excellent and Best of Breed.
OCD: free
AD = 0
HD = A
DM: n/a
LocusD D/D

Fur And Paws King of Canis “Canis”
Born: 07. April 2020
Mother: Vela the Star
Father: Derkim Devero Tapro
Canis is doing rallyobedience and got several titles here. He is also doing sheep herding, hopefully soon he will be ready for a competition. He has been on multiple dog shows and is Danish champion and club champion.
Mental description is done by Danish Kennel Club.
AD = 0
HD = B/A

Fur And Paws Marshall “Marshall”
Born: 17. April 2020
Mother: Fur And Paws Empathia
Father: Arcus z Konické skály
Marshall is doing obedience and tracking. He has been on dog show with excellent and certificate. At the moment he is competing in obedience at DcH B-programme and he is an aprooved search dog at DcH.
Mental description is done by Danish Kennel Club.
AD = 0
HD = A
Dm: n/n (Free)
LocusD D/D

Fur And Paws One From Heaven “Eddie”
Born: 12. November 2020
Mother: Red Rose Bryvilsar
Father: Arcus z Konické skály
Eddie is doing obedience and nosework. He has been on dog show with excellent and certificate. At the moment he is doing search training to be SAR water search dog.
Mental description is done by Danish Kennel Club.
AD = 0
HD = A
DM A/A (only mating with DM free bitches)
LocusD D/D

Fur And Paws Junior “Junior”
Born: 30. October 2019
Mother: Fur And Paws Flying Fame
Father: Dumper z Konické skály
Junior is doing obedience and tracking. He has been on dog show with excellent.
Mental description is done by Danish Kennel Club.
AD = 0
HD = A